Our mission at Lazy River Beverages is to better hydrate the intense athlete. Our aim is replacing not just the fluids lost during a strenuous workout, but also preventing a dangerous electrolyte imbalance. We aim to do this with the highest quality ingredients; after all, you are working this hard because you want to take the best care of your body!

As runners, we know the importance of keeping out bodies in peak physical condition, One of the biggest fears a runner has is hitting the proverbial wall during a race after months of training. Proper sodium and carbohydrate levels are extremely important. Training for long distance races in the middle of a hot sweaty Georgia summer, we struggled finding an all-natural product that could help us in both areas, so we decided to make our own.

During this process, we met Dr. Arthur J. Siegel who educated us on the issue of hyponatremia and just how important sodium is to performance and also safety. Hyponatremia is the medical term for a state when the body’s blood sodium is at dangerously low levels. A multiple marathoner himself, Dr. Siegel became personally invested in the study of hyponatremia after years of volunteering in the medical tents at races. After continually seeing young and healthy athletes having serious complications after running road races, he started talking with some of his colleagues. In the medical tents, suspected hyponatremia was always treated with a high sodium IV solution. Out on the road, we wanted to make prevention accessible to everyone. There are two simple ways to help prevent hyponatremia: drink to thirst and supplement with a more sodium rich sports drink.

We created Headstrong to help fight dehydration and hyponatremia. We wanted to provide 100% all-natural hydration, with plenty of calories and carbohydrates to keep fuel the body. Our sodium source is simply salt. The calories in our beverage come from 100% organic juices and honey. The citrus juices that serve as the base for our drink also provide a natural source of potassium. So rest your head soundly at night knowing that Headstrong has your back. Quality and integrity are the cornerstones of our business.

The creators of Headstrong, Bobby and Sasha Sherman, first used this product during their training for the 2018 Publix Half-Marathon in Atlanta, GA. It was essential to their training regimen. Sasha found it indispensable during the summer of 2018, as she trained for the Jackson Hole Half Marathon in the humid Georgia summer. Bobby used this product during the Publix 2019 Full Marathon. Although he was in extreme pain during and post-race, he never once felt dehydrated, fatigued, or brain fog. He credits that 100% to Headstrong and a structured training regiment. We truly believe the sodium content and natural sugars in this beverage allowed them to push past the “wall” and finish their races.